The Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1999 began to evaluate the safety and efficacy of chlorine dioxide for Legionella control in a potable water system in an acute care hospital environment. The evaluation includes chlorine dioxide, its by-products and their impact on Legionella and pathogenic bacteria, biofilm, medical and laboratory filtration systems, corrosion rates and the environment.
The application of a delivery system was also evaluated to optimize the efficacy of the disinfectant while maintaining affordable installation, operational and maintenance costs. Installation and operation challenges are discussed and solutions presented. Extensive Legionella and pathogenic bacterial culturing and analysis performed during this study are presented. The data clearly shows the effect of chlorine dioxide on Legionella and pathogenic bacteria.
Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) permit requirements and the hospital’s approach to compliance and monitoring requirements as mandated by EPA are out lined in the paper. The paper also discusses the application of chlorine dioxide for remediation of potable water systems (cold and hot) contaminated with bacteria.

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